this is bobas amusment park ride from a parody series called curious canimals what is itwelp your wrong after you have to go and bar thats call fios the turkish drunk and drinks for drugs whitch is the real logo is is drunk tunaimal keep you drungs to be drunk afer this you have to eat some your drungs you havto go remember this ued to be an old camlas shop thaT OPERATE FRO YYEAR 2006 TO 2007 THE SHUTLETER I 2008 THE WHOLE GOT TURN INTO FIOS THETURKISH DUNK BAR AND Fart

this is bobas amusment park ride from a parody series called curious canimals what is itwelp your wrong after you have to go and bar thats call fios the turkish drunk and drinks for drugs whitch is the real logo is is drunk tunaimal keep you drungs to be drunk afer this you have to eat some your drungs you havto go remember this ued to be an old camlas shop thaT OPERATE FRO YYEAR 2006 TO 2007 THE SHUTLETER I 2008 THE WHOLE GOT TURN INTO FIOS THETURKISH DUNK BAR AND Fart